Tips on Getting Started with HIIT Workouts

Fitness is one of major concerns among youngsters of Sydney. The obesity rate is striking high and thus, it becomes imperative to get involved in different activities that can help reduce weight.

One of the buzz workout sessions is HIIT or high-intensity interval training. It is one of the most impactful workout plans to help people burn fat and build muscle fast. The session includes short periods of highly intense cardio workouts with reduced rest time.

Whether you want to reduce weight or just keep up with your fitness level, join the best gym in Sydney and get started with your HIIT workout session. However, make sure you don’t have chronic health conditions, such as heart problem, diabetes, low or high blood pressure, etc.

To know more about it, keep on reading the blog post and make the most out of your fitness journey:

How Does HIIT Workout Works?

Believe it or not! HIIT training sessions are super intense and can take your cardio workout to the higher level. It pushes your comfort level, which can help you reduce weight effectively.

You can get involved in running, climbing stairs, jumping rope, rowing and other exercises. Make sure you sweat fast by working out at an intense level and do multiple rounds.

That strategy can save you a lot of time while letting you shed more calories. You will lose weight, boost your metabolism and build muscle doing such workouts.

You can do HIIT workouts in sprints of 30 seconds to 3 minutes and stay fit in busy schedules as well.

Tips to Stay Safe During your HIIT Sessions

It is advised to do HIIT training under a professional guidance. Also, you should avoid it if you have any health conditions, such as heart problems. So, here are some quick and effective tips to help you get started with your intense workout sessions safely:

Start Slow And Steady

Make sure you start with shorter HIIT workouts in the initial time. You can gradually increase the time once you see an improvement.  According fitness experts in Sydney, beginners should not spend more than 20 seconds in an all-out period of high-intensity workouts.

Also, repeat only three to five times for a total of 12-15 minutes. Once you reach that level, increase your intensity levels to 30 seconds and reduce your recover time to one minute. Make sure you add more repetitions for better outcomes.

Starting slow can build up your endurance without causing any serious injury.

Take Rest Intervals

HIIT workouts are perfect to help you work harder before resting. However, most people skimp the resting period or do another activity. This can lead to a serious health hazards.

A human body needs the recovery time to relax muscles before you go for another intense sprint. Of course, this type of a workout can save you a lot of time while reducing fat. That’s why most entrepreneurs prefer HIIT workouts to maintain work-life balance and stay healthy even in tight schedules.

Restrict your Weekly HIIT Sessions

Make sure you start with one HIIT session each week and increase up to two to three sessions. It is good to schedule your sessions so that your body gets enough time to recover from intense exercises.

Warm Up is a Must

You may not feel the need of warm-ups, but they play a vital role in your HIIT workout sessions. The majority of physical injuries caused during HIIT sessions are due to lack of warm ups.

So, it is good to do at least 10 minutes of stretching, aerobics or other activity that increases your heart rate. Jumping jacks, jump one of the best warm-up exercises.

Here is a week HIIT Training Plan to Keep you Fit

It is good to join the best fitness centre in Sydney, NSW if you want to get started with your HIIT training.

Make sure you have developed a base of fitness before getting into the regime. This means you have already done 30minutes to 1 hour of moderate to hard intense zumba and aerobic or swimming laps, three to four times a week for a 5-7 weeks.

Also, consult your doctor if you are recovering from an injury, mobility issues and medical conditions. Here you go:

Day-by-Day Workout

Day 1: It is good to start with moderate-intense cardio, such as brisk walking and jogging.

Day 2: HIIT workout sessions for 10-15 minutes and frequent rest time.

Day 3: Stretching and yoga sessions

Day 4: Low-intensity cardio, such as walking.

Day 5: Moderate-intensity cardio, such as swimming

Day 6: Rest or recovery

Day 7: Full-body strength training

These can help maintain your health while letting you achieve your targeted fitness goals through HIIT sessions.

Wrapping up

Maintaining a healthy weight and fitness level is crucial these days. If you have less time but bigger fitness objectives, get started with HIIT training sessions. This guide will help you know about this intense workout program with ease. You can also gather more information on fitness, lifestyle and business to live a healthy, happy and prosperous life in Sydney, NSW.

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